Residential Fire Services

Home Fire Safety Kit
1KG ABE Fire Extinguisher

1Mx1M Fire Blanket


There is nothing like the right tool for the right job….

and when it comes to fire this really hits home.

To make fire safety in the home a bit easier Future has put together the home fire safety kit which includes the following;

  • 1KG general purpose ABE Fire Extinguisher and mounting bracket.
  • 1M x 1M Fire Blanket for extinguishing fat fires.
  • 3 Stand Alone smoke detectors.
  • DIY Fire Escape plan guide

All this for just $159 including GST.

For information or to purchase click here or call 02 9343 0033


FIre Safety Tips

For a fire to start in a home, it needs an opportunity. There are many sources of fire in the home such as cooking, heating, children playing with lighters/matches and faulty electrics.

While not all risks can be totally eliminated, you can definitely reduce fire risks in your home by limiting the opportunities, and having tools such as Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets at your disposal.

Here are some points recommended by the NSW Fire Brigades.

  • Clean the lint filter of your clothes dryer each and every time you use it.
  • Never smoke in bed.
  • Don’t overload power points and switch off appliances when not in use.
  • Always keep lighters and matches away from children and educate them that fire is a “tool not a toy” and should only be used by responsible adults.
  • In winter take extra care when using heaters, electric blankets or open fires. Never dry clothes on a heater or near a fire.
  • If you live in a bushfire prone area keep the ground around your home clear of leaves and other litter. For more information see bush fire tips below.
  • If you have a gas, electric or wood BBQ always check that is in safe working order before lighting it. Always ensure that the barbeque is in the safe care of a responsible adult when in use. 
  • If you have a garage or shed remember to take extra care with any stored chemicals and fuels. Always refuel mowers, edgers etc when they are cold and in the open.
Remember when a fire takes hold every second counts In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire

Top 5 tips

  1. Install and maintain working smoke alarms
  2. Create and practice your home escape plan
  3. Ensure your home security lets you out quickly. Keep keys in deadlocks
  4. Be safe in the kitchen. Do not leave cooking unattended and turn pot handles in
  5. Educate and supervise children so they understand that fire is a “tool not a toy”. Keep matches and lighters out of reach

Research shows that ember attack is the major cause of house fires during a bushfire. While direct flame contact and radiant heat arrives with the fire front and last from 10 – 15 minutes, ember attack usually occurs up to 30 minutes prior to the arrival of fire front and for several hours afterwards There are a few simple steps you can take to prepare your home before a bushfire threatens, to reduce the threat of embers and bushfire affecting your home.

Preparing your home for Bushfires

Before the bushfire season

Reduce the fuel around your home

It is important to reduce the fuel around your home and property so if bushfire threatens there is as little fuel as possible to feed it. Clean up and remove leaves and twigs, keep grass short and cut back overhanging trees. If you have woodpiles, ensure that they are covered and kept well away from your home.

Water availability

Make sure any fire hydrants near your home are easily located and not obstructed and ensure your garden hoses are long enough to reach the perimeter boundary. If you have a swimming pool or water tank, put a Static Water Supply sign on your fence and consider installing a portable pump. Contact your local fire station about a Static Water Supply sign.

Plan for bushfire survival

You should make a plan in case of bushfire. You should decide if you would stay and defend your property or evacuate to a safe location; decide how you will evacuate, and discuss your decisions with your family and your